Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dave Refuses Work

Dave the Lamb is getting used to living outside but is still not comfortable around his fellow sheep instead continuing to opt for the company of Bean the Newfoundland and Minnie the Great Dane. He has become somewhat of a local celebrity when he join in with the dogs all running and barking towards the gate to see off the postman.

He does stil try his luck to sneak into the house and today I decided to give him his first job as payback - in return for his use of the dog beds in the kitchen. This was simply to move onto a lovely patch of grass just near the front door for a couple of hours a day so he could still be part of the gang but in the hope that he would at least start to eat off this grass as it is quite a slope and not the easiest to mow.

Dave is sent into the new grassy area....

Dave comes out of the grassy area ...

and straight back into the kitchen!

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