Meg The Collie's Emergency Dash
Daisy's Double Surgery and The Fury Boot
Daisy Goes Missing
Libby's Dartmoor Diet
Jams, Chutneys and Marmalades
Christmas Vodkas
The Productive Patch
Dave The Lamb who we will start with!
The last post concerning the now world famous Dave 'the dog' Lamb was I think left with him being returned to the second pig area and being fenced in due to his frenzied attack on the garden which resulted in almost all my plants, veg and fruit bushes ending up in his woolly little mouth.
Dave said No to freedom! He stayed put in his pen for 3 days refusing to budge. He only ran out of the pen when the rest of the flock went in to check him out and appearing to be mortified by their actions he made a dash for it and ran as far away from them as he could. At last he was out and in the big field, he just had to stay in it and not climb back on to the driveway or run into the house.
All has been fine for the last couple of weeks and Dave is very happy in the field these days. Each morning returning from the dog walk when I come out of the woods and walk through the field with the dogs Dave runs to us and plays chase with the dogs. They still all get on very well and once we reach the top gate to go to the house Dave simply turns and skips back down the field as if telling us "that's enough for today!".
Just one problem - I came back home this evening to find Dave out of the field and on the drive with Daisy! He is back in the field now but for how long is anybody's guess!